Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

Automated Alert to Dangerous Workplace Conditions

Why is this Important?

  • Saving lives and reducing risk to which employees are exposed is a high priority and represents a significant cost to operations.
  • Reducing the risk through technology use brings immediate return on investments, in many industries.
  • The specification of AI systems connected to AR displays for risk detection, and the sequence of triggers leading to an alert being provided to the user, is valuable regardless of the manufacturer of the sensors or AR display.

Many industries require that employees work in high risk environments. For this reason, employees are certified in advance of performing tasks and follow very strict protocols. When sensors on a device or during a work flow detect that a high risk or dangerous setting or task is imminent, there needs to be an automatically-displayed alert. Research that increases the reliability of automatic risk assessment based on situational awareness from employee-worn sensors, regardless of the technology provider, and produces a consistent and clear response regardless of the AR device model, mode or connection state would provide value to those working in high risk industries.

This research topic will extend the user experiences that are currently provided on smartphones in the workplace. It will also need to clarify when and how existing alert systems prioritize the messaging to users and test usability and benefit of having the alerts appear in AR view.


Standards bodies, Safety officers, employees working in high risk jobs

Possible Methodologies

This topic requires consensus building by working with safety officers, and new approaches to create and codify use of AI (and train the AI) to detect high risk context and circumstances, and to immediately alert the AR user. The research could also study different types of alerts for different industries, their effectiveness and recommend protocols that all devices and AR-based systems could adopt.

Research Program

This topic or theme of research overlaps with the topic of visualizing alerts in a timely, intuitive and meaningful way. The outcomes of this research could also be applied in many industries. It could be combined with topics pertaining to safety and human factors.

Miscellaneous Notes

Standards for automatic alerts could also be applied in many industries where danger is minimal. It could be combined with topics pertaining to safety and human factors. Could be an offshoot of UL8400 or BSI IST/31.


Safety, risk, automated alert, standards, situational awareness, sensors for risk detection, artificial intelligence, health risks, occupational risks, risk assessment, risk perception, accidents, safety-critical software, occupational health, occupational safety, safety, accident prevention, disaster prevention, electrical safety, health and safety, health hazards, safety devices, safety factor, safety systems, fault detection, monitoring, system monitoring

Research Agenda Categories

Standards, Technology

Expected Impact Timeframe


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Christine Perey

Last Published (yyyy-mm-dd)


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