ISMAR 2017

Date of Event:

Oct 9-13 2017


Nantes, France


ISMAR 2016 will take place at:

Cité Nantes Events Center
5 Rue de Valmy
44000 Nantes, France

Overview of event

ISMAR 2017 is the 16th annual research conference focusing on the topics of Mixed and Augmented Reality.

The conference spans many domains from science and technology, including real world applications and explorations by media professionals, social scientists, humanity scholars and designers.

The IEEE Computer Society and IEEE VGC organize the symposium and bring leading academic research to the conference. The conference takes place over five days and comprises a number of workshops and tutorials where research papers on AR and MR are presented and discussed.

The tutorials and workshops include topics on:

  • Augmented Reality
  • Collaborative Mixed Reality environments
  • Human factors and behavioral analysis in AR
  • Standards in AR
  • MASHD (media, art, social science, humanities and design)

Why AREA Members Attend this Event

ISMAR brings together scientists and professionals from all over the world, and AREA members attend the conference for insights into cutting-edge research and applications in Mixed and Augmented Reality.

AREA member DAQRI will be in attendance and will present a tutorial of ARToolKit.

Comments or Questions?

General inquiries may be directed to: [email protected]

Please consult the ISMAR website for more information.


The five-day conference agenda, including topics for tutorials and workshops, can be found on the ISMAR website.

Location and Travel

The ISMAR website provides details on recommended accommodations, as well as travel information and access.

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