Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

6 Steps to Improving Acceptance and Adoption of AR Technology in the Workplace Through Communication

In recent years accelerating changes in technology have required that more new technology-based tools be introduced to workers while conducting their daily tasks. Although the technologies which managers seek to introduce may be helpful to improve safety, increase efficiency, and are easy to use, workers may not have that perception of the new tools. However, resistance to new technology usage in the workplace is not new and there are steps that have been proven helpful.

In order to improve worker adoption of technology-based tools, like Augmented Reality (AR) enabled devices, employers and manufacturers can apply principles of communication theory and pedagogy.

We’ve published a white paper, written by Carly Kroll and taken from her paper Communicating Augmented Reality Devices: Improving Technology Acceptance Among Electric Utility Field Workers, which is based on Communicating Augmented Reality Devices: Improving Technology Acceptance Among Electric Utility Field Workers, outlines six simple steps: (1) inform, (2) simplify, (3) visualize, (4) influence, (5) demonstrate, and (6) encourage. Where used while introducing Augmented Reality, these steps will likely improve acceptance and adoption of the technology

Download the full report here below:

Support of AR Adoption through Principles of Communication – Kroll July 2018


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