Optech 4D using AR in Aviation Training
AREA member Optech 4D get a mention in a publication by BlueToad.com, with the article acknowledging how both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are starting to be used within areas of maintenance training, with some MROs even employing such technology for inspection training. Industries are implementing AR into their trainings and day-to-day operations, and it is suggested that this technology may be further used for aviation maintenance training.
Optech4D are said to be using AR to their advantage in the aviation training market, using it not only for training but also in distance learning applications. CEO of Optech4D, Vincent Higgins, says how AR can be used to help revolutionize the future of aircraft maintenance, especially in terms of aviation classroom training, where AR “superimposes images on the real objects and provides a more efficient workforce because of that”. He also speaks of how Optech4D are “really trying to bring in augmented reality in a big way into the MRO space”.
The article also provides other examples of how AR is working its way into aviation training. Lori Brown, an Associate Professor at Western Michigan University’s College of Aviation, is a massive advocate for AR in academic aviation training. She says that the next phase of the college’s maintenance training course will mirror the technology used for automotive maintenance training by BMW, with the use of AR glasses. These glasses will give step-by-step procedures and show students overlays on whichever component they are working on for maintenance. This hands-free device is not only interactive, it also allows them to physically see the information in the real world, over the component being worked on.