Theorem Solutions – Placing models using QR codes in Augmented & Mixed Reality

How to Use QR Codes in HoloLens 2 Mixed Reality

Video: Using the QR Code Offset tool in Microsoft HoloLens 2The QR code offset feature using QR Code Detection in Microsoft HoloLens 2, allows a QR code to be utilized as an origin point when visualizing 3D models in MR. In Theorem Solutions’ Visualization Pipeline, users can set where the digital model will appear in relation to a QR code. Then any time you use a QR code to load the model it will appear in the same place.

This helps put models in context and allows users to see if something will fit in a certain location. For example, when seeing if parts would fit within an automotive setup, a QR code can be used to set the origin in the center of a car and digital models of parts can be positioned using the offset feature. This allows users to be more exact with the placement of their models when working with physical objects and digital models together.

Additionally, provided the QR code isn’t moved, this feature allows users to load a model in the same place every time. This gives users greater flexibility to their work process, allowing users to look at multiple models in succession, and then revisit a previous model with the assurance that the model will remain exactly where it needs to be.

Using QR Codes in Augmented Reality

For example, the Image Tracking feature in Theorem-AR can be used to load a large factory layout or production line and position it over a QR code. This is ideal for when you are looking to visualize large designs on a table top to be able to see all the data at once. The ability to utilize this on your handheld device makes XR technology much easier and accessible for such use cases.

Use Cases

QR codes can give users flexibility when working with digital objects interacting with a physical environment, and it is designed to be adaptable to a wide variety of use cases. But here are some examples of possible use cases that are enhanced by QR codes.

Precise Placement in MR- QR codes are particularly useful in XR when consistent precision is required. If you needed to line up two holes for a bolt to go through, for instance, you could use the QR Code offset feature to position the digital model correctly and ensure everything lines up.

Scaling large data in AR- Additionally, the ability to set a point of origin in the real world is useful when visualizing large data in AR. Having a positionable point of origin makes scaling much easier within AR, particularly when it comes to larger datasets. With QR codes you can scale the model larger or smaller, but the point of origin will remain the same.

In Summary

QR codes can be used in Augmented and Mixed Reality in a variety of different ways depending on the use case. They allow users to set a point of origin in the real world using a QR code, and with Microsoft HoloLens 2 users can position models in relation to the QR code.

With QR codes you:

• Can load 3D models into the same position multiple times
• Gain more precision when arranging digital models alongside physical objects
• Are able to scale models easier in AR
• Have greater flexibility with how your digital models are positioned in relation to the real world

Is AR and VR in Commercial Aviation Taking Off?

Which Aviation Groups are Providing AR and VR Solutions?

Celebi Aviation Holding are setting up an aviation academy in Turkey. The Celebi Aviation Academy in Turkey being certified by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Training Validation Program (TVP). Recognising the academy as an official Center of Excellence in Training and Development. Allowing for the student to virtually sit airside, along many Airbus and Boeing planes. Covering various elements of commercial aviation, from pre arrival too post departure inspection. The various scenarios presented give aviation students a safe environment Letting students find solutions to identified faults. Allowing for difficult environments. Such as different environmental conditions, under LVO (low visibility operations) and night time operations. Japan Airlines teaming with Asia’s largest manufacturer Tecknotrov and Quatar Airlines to invest in more autonomous training for pilots and engineers. Expectations for AR and VR in aviation training has always had a strong relation; both recently and throughout previous generations of the technology. So, it comes as no surprise that, with the well respected foundation between the mixed reality space and aviation. The predicted growth rate of the AR and VR aviation markets is expected to be more than $1372 million by the end 2025. It is important to note the practical strides is where AR and VR fit into the expected processes for a workers day to day routine. With solutions for almost every team member involved in the flyers journey. AR offers flight attendants and handlers a paperless workflow, obviously aiding with cross contamination in post pandemic, busy work environment. SATS, the chief ground-handling and in-flight catering service provider at Singapore Changi Airport. Having integrated M300 smart glasses to 600 of their employees. Getting rid of pen and paper methods during luggage handling. Allowing for quick QR scanning, saving a reported 15 minutes for each flight.

What Can Passengers Expect?

Passengers are also become part of this landscape; VR can offer flyers new forms of entertainment during their long journey. Airfrance are partnered with SkyLights. A VR inflight entertainment group working from San Fransico. Together they have created a unique headset for Airbus A340 flights. Skylights boast a massive success rate with passengers using their VR entertainment headsets during flights. With a 90% recommendation rate and 4h average usage time among passengers. Lufthansa are also innovating for their passengers. Creating a 360-degree immersive experience for passengers to watch while travelling. With worldwide prospects for flyers and aviation workers, when flyers return to airports in mass. They could be presented with more AR and VR options than ever. Making the return to the runway a breeze.

Vuzix AR Glasses For EMTs

During the experimental program, select ambulances are given access to a Vuzix M400, lightweight smart glasses capable of projecting virtual images over the real-world, which EMTs can use to convey critical information to hospitals before their arrival via two-way audio and video calls.

By allowing doctors and nurses access to a patients vital signs, ECG readouts, and facial expressions in real-time, Vuzix claims that various departments can perform examinations and preliminary medical treatment before the ambulance even arrives. Hospital staff can also advice EMTs during in-transit emergency treatments, such as a blood transfusion or surgery.

“Among their expanding healthcare uses, Vuzix smart glasses can be an important life-saving tool for EMTs that require critical interaction and support from the hospitals to which they are headed,” said Paul Travers, President and Chief Executive Officer at Vuzix, in an official release.

“Our glasses are lightweight, comfortable and completely wireless, making them ideal to be used alongside the other head-mounted equipment EMTs must wear. We look forward to seeing an expansion of this trial by its participants, as well as adoption for similar usage by other providers in Japan and around the world.”

Vuzix AR smart glasses are currently being tested in select ambulances operating out of the Shunto Izu Fire Department in Japan, with plans to expand to additional ambulances in the future. The collaborative effort is being spear-headed by Juntendo University, Shizuoka Hospital, the Shunto Izu Fire Department, and AVR Japan Co., Ltd.

Theorm-AR: Multi Model – Visualisation using familiar devices

What is Multi-Model Loading?

We’ve recently increased our Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities to include multi-model loading, to meet the evolving industry requirements and customer needs for XR. Users can now load multiple models at once into the same scene, making the technology even more flexible.

Previously, only one model at a time could be loaded into an AR session. However, with multi-model loading, users can now visualize and mark-up multiple models at once. This gives users greater flexibility in their everyday working processes. Allowing them to quickly alternate between looking at one model and another to see how they compare, line-up or fit the available space. Pre-defined digital layouts that were previously only available in Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality are also now available in Augmented Reality. With Theorem-XR supporting multiple devices and data types, and only needing to prepare data once, this additional functionality in AR is closing the gap for what devices can be used in XR use cases.

How is it Used? Real Augmented Reality Examples

Factory layouts are an excellent example of a use case where Theorem-AR’s new multi-model loading is vital.

Part of a factory layout being visualized in the Theorem-AR application.

Being able to load pre-defined layouts on your smartphone or tablet enables you to work on much larger use cases such as defining shop floor plans in XR. You can visualize the relative scenery, components, and poseables, all on your handheld device.

It also gives you a good idea of how people will interact with a proposed factory layout. Including identifying what is in reach from a certain position, determining whether areas are accessible as well as assessing any risks. This can all be done in a re-configurable environment, allowing users to completely plan and adjust their layouts from the desktop before reviewing in AR.

The advantage of having this feature in Augmented Reality is that you can place the equipment models in your current environment. This means that you can visualize solid models in the room the equipment is planned to be in. The ability to analyze a proposed layout in this way means users can ensure layouts are correct before attempting to implement them. And since AR doesn’t require expensive headsets it’s easy to adopt for everyone involved.

A picture of the markup tool being used in the Theorem-AR app on the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7.

Enhance Your Design Processes

Another feature that is improved by multi-model loading is the ability to snap to a physical object with a digital model. With this feature, a physical object can be used as a reference point in order to automatically overlay a digital version. Users can now also arrange other parts around the digital model on desktop, which will appear when using this Snap To feature in AR. This allows users to test space requirements for a collection of parts using one part as a reference.

This combined with existing features, such as the mark-up tool to add notes and drawings, opens up the opportunity for engineers to collaborate with each other by identifying and easily sharing obstacles or flaws within a design.

To Recap

Extended reality is an excellent tool to remotely visualize design data from anywhere, and AR makes adoption even easier thanks to only requiring a handheld device such as a smartphone or tablet, which we all have access to. With the addition of multi-model loading users can now do even more with their data in AR; all while using a familiar technology that requires minimal training to use.

Factory layout planning is the best example of this, with users now having the ability to visualize layouts in the real world. Additionally, with design reviews, users can review multiple models from anywhere in the world.

Multi-model loading provides more options to address new use cases with AR, using devices that everyone has access to. Working around 3D design data has never been easier.

Factory layout Experience – Theorem Solutions

Optimize designs in immersive XR

The Factory Layout Experience enables a planning or layout engineer, working independently or with a group of colleagues, locally or in remote locations, to optimize Factory layouts through the immersive experience of eXtended Reality (XR) technologies. Seeing your data at full scale, in context, instantly enables you to see the clashes, access issues and missing items which a CAD screen cannot show.

On the shop floor there are literally 1000’s of pieces of equipment- much of it bought in and designed externally. Building designs may only exist as scans or in architectural CAD systems, and robot cells may be designed in specialist CAD systems. There will be libraries of hand tools, storage racks and stillage equipment designed in a range of CAD systems, and product data designed in house in mechanical CAD. To understand the factory and assess changes, all of that has to be put together to get a full picture of where a new line, robot cell or work station will fit.

A catalogue of 3D resources can leverage 2D Factory layouts by being snapped to these layouts to quickly realize a rich 3D layout. Advanced positioning makes it very easy to move, snap and align 3D data. Widely used plant and equipment is readily available, there is no need to design it from scratch for every new layout. Simplified layout tools enable you to position, align and snap layout objects quickly, which can be used by none CAD experts, enabling all stakeholders to be involved in the process, improving communication.

Testing Design and Operational Factors

Human centred operations can be analysed using mannequins that can be switched to match different characteristics. You can test design and operational aspects of a variety of human factors, to determine reachability, access and injury risk situations, ensuring compliance with safety and ergonomic standards.

It enables companies to avoid costly layout redesign by enabling all parties involved to review the layout collaboratively, make or recommend changes, and capture those decisions for later review by staff who could not attend the session.

Building an immersive pharma experience with XR technology

In the world of pharma manufacturing, precision is key. To execute flawlessly, pharmaceutical scientists and operators need the proper training and tools to accomplish the task. User-friendly augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (XR) technology that can provide workflow guidance to operators is invaluable, helping name brand companies get drugs, vaccines, and advanced therapies to patients faster.

AR has been a cost-effective way to improve training, knowledge transfers, and process execution in the lab during drug discovery and in the manufacturing suite during product commercialization. Apprentice’s AR Research Department is now seeing greater demand within the pharma industry for XR software capabilities that allow life science teams to use 3D holograms to accomplish tasks.

For example, operators are able to map out an entire biomanufacturing suite in 3D using XR technology. This allows them to consume instructional data while they work with both hands, or better understand equipment layouts. They can see and touch virtual objects within their environment, providing better context and a much more in-depth experience than AR provides.

Users can even suspend metadata in a 3D space, such as the entrance to a room, so that they can interact with their environment in a much more complete way, with equipment, objects and instruments tethered to space. Notifications regarding gowning requirements or biohazard warnings for example will automatically pop up as the operator walks in, enriching the environment with information that’s useful to them.

“It’s all about enhancing the user experience,” Linas Ozeratis, Mixed Reality Engineer at Apprentice.io. “At apprentice, our AR/XR Research Team has designed pharma-specific mixed-reality software for the HoloLens device that will offer our customers an easier, more immersive experience in the lab and suite.”

Apprentice’s XR/AR Research Team is currently experimenting with new menu design components for the HoloLens device that will reshape the future of XR user experiences, making it easier for them to interact with menus using just their fingers.

Apprentice’s “finger menu” feature allows users to trigger an action or step by ‘snapping’ together the thumb and individual fingers of the same hand. Each finger contains a different action button that can be triggered at any time during an operator’s workflow.

“Through our research, we’ve determined that the fingers are an ideal location for attaching AR buttons, because it allows users to trigger next steps without their arm or hand blocking the data they need,” Ozeratis added.  It’s quite literally technology at your fingertips.”

Why does the pharma industry want technology like this? Aside from the demand, there are situations where tools like voice commands are simply not feasible. The AR Research Team also learned that interactive finger menus feel more natural to users and can be mastered quickly. Life science teams are able to enhance training capabilities, improve execution reliability and expand the types of supporting devices they can apply within their various environments.

“Introducing these exciting and highly anticipated XR capabilities is just one stop on our roadmap,” Ozeratis adds. “There are bigger and bolder things ahead that we look forward to sharing as the pharma industry continues to demand more modern, intelligent technologies that improve efficiency and speed.”

Rokid displayed their AR glasses to AWE 2022

Liang Guan, General Manager at Rokid, enthusiastically stated:
“Numerous top-tech companies currently explore AR, XR, or the metaverse. As early as 2016, Rokid has been proactively expanding our AR product pipeline across leading technological areas of optics, chips, smart voice, and visual image. Today, we have X-Craft deployed in over 70 regions and Air Pro has been widely used in 60+ museums around the world. Moving forward, Rokid will keep delivering real value to enterprises through its line of AR products.”

Rokid products empower the frontline workforce, providing real-time analysis, views, and documents to the control center. Many media and participants were surprised after trying Rokid products. Saying that the various control modes provided by Rokid AR glasses are very convenient for users to operate and can effectively improve work efficiency.

Rokid X-Craft, demonstrated live at the AWE 2022, has officially received ATEX Zone 1 certification from TUV Rheinland Group. Becoming the world’s first explosion-proof, waterproof, dustproof, 5G, and GPS-supported XR device. This is not only a great advance in AR and 5G technology but also a breakthrough in AR explosion-proof applications in the industrial field. Many users at the event said after the trial that safety headsets are comfortable to wear and are highly competitive products in the market. It not only effectively ensures the safety of front-end staff, but also helps oil and gas fields increase production capacity.

Rokid Air Pro, a powerful binocular AR glasses, features voice control to help you enjoy a wide variety of media including games, movies, and augmented reality experiences. Rokid Glass 2, provided real-time analysis, views, and documents to the control center, and successfully improved traffic management and prevention to ensure the long- term stability of the city.



New Consortium REVVED To Research VR And AR For Electric Vehicle Manufacturing And Education

The unprecedented need to develop a workforce that can build and service electric and autonomous vehicles and develop the cybersecurity to protect them is the driving force behind the new consortium.

Industry partners involved are BMW, Michelin, Bosch, Daimler, Proterra and Volvo.

The consortium is named “Collaborative Research: REVVED,” short for Revolutionizing Electric Vehicle Education, is receiving $2.83 million from the National Science Foundation to fund the project.

One of the main goals is to strengthen learning and retention among students from rural areas, veterans and students who are from groups underrepresented in the workforce.

Digital learning systems are especially attractive for students who are non-traditional and underrepresented in the workforce, researchers said.

Mary Thornley, president of Trident Technical College, said REVVED addresses a critical need in South Carolina and across the country.

“Our country has an unprecedented need, the need for a new generation of talent to respond to international competition for an automotive workforce with up-to-date skill sets required for the manufacturing and servicing of electric and autonomous vehicles,” Thornley said. “We are excited to work with strong partners to create that talent to ensure state and national competitiveness.”

Readers can find out more about this new initiative by reading the original article on Clemsen News.



Enterprises head to San Diego to discuss impact of AR VR MR (XR) and Metaverse technologies at the 9th Augmented Enterprise Summit

Hundreds of the world’s most profitable and well-known companies are already using augmented, virtual, and mixed reality (XR) to deliver the benefits of digitization to the modern workforce. These organizations are seeing ROI in the form of faster training, shorter design cycles, higher quality, less downtime, reduced waste, and increased customer satisfaction.

Hear from those driving XR and other emerging technologies in enterprise at the 2022 Augmented Enterprise Summit when it returns in-person October 18-20 at the newly renovated Town & Country Resort Hotel in San Diego. As always, the event will feature a world-class lineup of enterprise end users along with the largest curated expo of enterprise-ready XR solutions. Organizations at every stage of adoption will get to hear how the world’s biggest companies are leveraging XR, try out the top hardware/software, and connect across industry lines.

“[AES] has consolidated its position as the nexus of the growing enterprise XR ecosystem, with the ability to bring together both augmented reality companies and the large enterprises that are now testing and implementing XR solutions.” – Forbes

The Speakers

Leading innovators from companies like Abbott, Bank of America, Con Edison, DuPont, Ford, GM, Kohler, Marathon Petroleum, and Ulta Beauty will share insight into adopting and deploying XR and related emerging technologies for applications such as remote support, collaboration, work instructions, training, design, marketing, safety, and sales.

The Program

The comprehensive educational program includes case studies across industry verticals with deep discussions on specific immersive applications, best practices, security, enabling technologies like 5G and AI, IIoT, the Metaverse, and more.

The Exhibit

Get hands-on in the carefully curated expo of AR smart glasses, MR/VR headsets, body-worn sensors, exoskeletons, and other connected devices ready for deployment today, along with the platforms and technologies that power them.

For information and tickets, visit www.augmentedenterprisesummit.com. Early bird rates expire August 29. Attendees are encouraged to register early as space is limited.

Official Event Brochurehttps://augmentedenterprisesummit.com/aes-2022-brochure/

Managed and hosted by long standing AREA partner BrainXChange – see their partner page.

Building a business case for XR in Telecoms and Media

The Telecoms and Media landscape could be perfectly poised to benefit from the advantages extended reality offers. XR has already proven itself as a powerful tool for communication and collaboration, capable of connecting people like never before. This gives Telecoms companies a new landscape to experiment with when it comes to offering communication services to brands.

At the same time, as the communications space grows increasingly complex, with endless new technology appearing on the market all the time, XR can empower employees too. The right solutions can improve training opportunities, enhance day-to-day processes, and support businesses in achieving better CX outcomes.

The question is, how do you build a business case for XR in telecoms and media your shareholders and business leaders can get behind?

Step 1: Consider the Evolving Industry

Companies in the media and telecoms landscape need to stay on the cutting edge if they want to survive in today’s competitive landscape. This means offering services and support relevant to the needs of their customers. Even if your company might not be using XR solutions in-house, it may be important to offer these tools to customers and clients.

For instance, telecoms companies could offer access to XR app-building environments, and other accompanying technologies for brands hoping to step into the XR world. Things like 5G connectivity will be particularly important for vendors building new XR landscapes.

As concepts like the metaverse grow more appealing, and companies look for more ways to interact with their client using immersive technology, media and telecoms companies will need to ensure they’re considering the part they can play in the XR environment. Whether this means offering marketing campaigns in XR, sales strategies enhanced by XR, or 5G connectivity for immersive experiences, don’t fall behind the competition.

Step 2: Find Opportunities to Improve Operations

In any industry, the hunt is always on for ways to improve the efficiency and productivity of teams. In the telecoms landscape, an evolving number of tools and services in the landscape is leading to significant complexity in the workplace. Inspecting, maintaining, and repairing devices at scale can require a lot of investment in talent and travel.

With XR, companies can improve their daily operations using a range of different tools. For instance, an AR or MR solution will allow experts to assess a piece of technology from a distance, allowing for quicker inspection processes with massive cost savings. Additionally, the telecom sector can also use extended reality environments to help with the repair and maintenance of undersea, and underground cables, as well as other advanced networking tools.

Identifying issues in a virtual environment can allow for the use of automated systems and extra guidance to technicians in the breakdown area. This means problems with the communication ecosystem can be solved more rapidly, leading to better customer experiences.

Step 3: Highlight Opportunities for Improved CX

Speaking of customer experiences, XR offers an excellent opportunity for all kinds of companies to take advantage of new interactions with customers. In the media landscape, experts can create engaging AR ads and VR experiences for customers on behalf of companies, taking full advantage of the evolving metaverse and virtual event space.

In the telecoms space, companies can use XR to sell to customers and support clients like never before. XR can enhance the entire customer journey, starting with immersive demonstrations of how products and services might work, and continuing to the use of VR manuals for users learning how to access a new system. Companies can even build entire immersive onboarding experiences, where customers are prepped for success with insights into how each tool or service works.

With XR, it’s even possible to improve long-term customer service, by ensuring engineers and technicians can walk customers through strategies on how to fix common problems in a more powerful digital or augmented environment. This also saves companies money when it comes to sending technicians to field locations.

Step 4: Explore The Benefits of Better Collaboration

XR is an incredible tool for collaboration, allowing teams to share a space where they can connect over ideas, see reports and analytics presented in a range of different formats, and interact with digital assets. With XR, telecoms companies can connect specialists and experts working from locations all over the world in a shared environment.

A telecoms or media brand could provide a user with a pair of AR or MR glasses connected to a specialist who can offer guidance and support in real-time when the user is working on a complex task. This allows for better teamwork without having to have multiple people present in the same environment. The same technology can even help with the support of field service technicians.

In XR, experts can learn about technologies in a collaborative environment, discuss trends using visual insights, and work together on solving complex problems like service outages in certain data centers. The XR environment powers a future of intelligent workplace experiences for professionals who might not always work in the same physical environment.

Step 5: Look at Potential Cost Savings

Initially, implementing a disruptive new technology like XR into your business might seem like an expensive process. However, the reality is that the investment can pay off significantly in the long-term. For instance, using innovative environments for VR collaboration to bring your teams together on complex challenges can reduce the need for expensive travel.

Making sure your agents can access VR environments to plan fixes for complex telecommunications technology, then send the information they collect to engineers on the front line can reduce the downtime of various essential tools. This can also reduce the amount of money telecoms companies lose in honouring SLA agreements with customers, while improving customer satisfaction.

XR can also give you a powerful way to stand out among the competition, meaning you don’t have to work as hard to capture new potential customers for your brand. XR doesn’t just save money, it can help brands make more money too.